Munch Mockup

MUNCH MOCKUP - a demonstration of Enterprisium GPT (in a fictitious alliance between IBM and Munch)

A few months ago, I heard the inspiring team present at First Monday. Pretending to stand in their shoes, I formulated a mockup sales strategy on teaming with IBM cafeterias. I had no idea if this makes any sense, but I thought I’d give it a try. Here’s the complete script of my dialogue with Enterprisium GPT and the resulting report summary in the hypothetical “IBM-Munch Food Alliance.”

Here’s the report summary, produced in minutes. My full dialogue with Enterprisium is below.

A lot of the details are TBD but a clear framework is provided. Better, are the sections on Purpose, the Buyer, and Outreach. Not all the answers, but many and a framework for strategic thinking, planning, and execution.

Strategic Sales Plan Summary: IBM-Munch Food Alliance Background

• Prospect Name: IBM (IBM's Company Website)

• Sales Opportunity Name: IBM-Munch Food Alliance

• Estimated Sale Value: TBD, pending assessment of IBM's cafeteria needs

• Estimated Close Date: TBD, post-strategy approval (estimated 6-12 months after

initial presentation)

• Probability of Sale: TBD, to be estimated after initial outreach and engagement


• Mission and Value Alignment: Highlighting Munch's commitment to reducing food waste and aligning this with IBM's corporate responsibility goals.

• Unique Selling Propositions: Emphasizing the dual benefits of environmental sustainability and potential positive PR for IBM, leveraging Munch's proven track record with retailers like Spar.


• Identification Phase: Research and identify key contacts at IBM across various roles (economic buyers, user buyers, technical buyers, coaches) for targeted outreach.


Initial Contact: Targeted outreach to key IBM personnel through LinkedIn and personalized emails, emphasizing alignment with IBM's values.

Content Strategy: Sharing success stories and thought leadership articles relevant to IBM’s interests in sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Networking: Active participation in industry events and professional groups to connect with IBM representatives.

Referral Strategy: Utilizing existing networks for introductions to IBM contacts.

Follow-Up Plan: Regular, value-added follow-ups tailored based on responses.

Metrics and Adaptation: Tracking outreach progress and adapting strategies as needed.


• Begin implementing the outreach strategy.

• Continuously refine the approach based on the feedback and information gathered

during the outreach phase.

• Once initial contacts are established, revisit the "Buyers" section to tailor the strategy


This plan serves as a foundational strategy for engaging with IBM or any company. It's dynamic and should evolve as information and insights evolve. A DSS (dynamic strategic sales) Plan.

Here’s the full dialogue with Enterprisium.


I would like to sell IBM a company-wide plan for our food resale service called Munch.


Great, let's start developing a Strategic Sales Plan for your company-wide food resale service, Munch, aimed at IBM. We'll go through each step of the plan, beginning with the Background.


Prospect Name: IBM. Here's a link to IBM's company website for reference.

Sales Opportunity Name: Can you provide a specific name for this project or solicitation?

Estimated Sale Value: What is your initial estimate for the value of this sale?

Estimated Close Date: When do you realistically anticipate closing this deal?

Probability: Given your current understanding, what would you estimate as the probability (in percentage) of closing this sale?

Please provide details for each of these points, especially the sales opportunity name, as it helps in personalizing and focusing our strategy.


IBM-Munch Food Alignance


Thank you for providing the sales opportunity name: "IBM-Munch Food Alignance." This name suggests a strategic alignment between Munch's offerings and IBM's needs in food services. Let's proceed with the remaining background details:

Estimated Sale Value: Could you specify your estimated value for this deal? This will help in understanding the scale and impact of the opportunity.

Estimated Close Date: Given the size and complexity typically associated with a company like IBM, what is your targeted timeline for closing this deal?

Probability: Based on your current interactions and understanding of IBM's needs, what probability of success would you assign to this opportunity (as a percentage)?

Once we have these details, we can move to the next phase of developing your Strategic Sales Plan.


sorry, I meant "Alliance"


No problem, "IBM-Munch Food Alliance" is a clear and strategic name for your project with IBM. It suggests a partnership approach, which is often appealing in enterprise-level sales. Now, let's refine the remaining background details:

Estimated Sale Value: What is your financial expectation for this deal?

Estimated Close Date: Considering the typical sales cycle for large enterprises like IBM, especially for a new account, what is your realistic timeline for closing this deal?

Probability: Based on your current assessment and interactions with IBM, how would you rate the likelihood of closing this deal (in percentage terms)?

Your responses to these questions are crucial for shaping an effective and realistic strategy.


As for value, we need to calculate how much food could be obtained from each IBM cafeteria. As for a close date, that well depend on the soundness of this strategy which I need to present to management.


Understood. Let's work through these aspects:

Background (Continued)

Estimated Sale Value: Since the exact value hinges on the volume of food required for IBM's cafeterias, you'll need to gather more data on IBM's current cafeteria operations. This could include the number of employees being served, meal frequency, and existing food service budgets. For now, we can note this as "To Be Determined (TBD) based on cafeteria needs assessment."

Estimated Close Date: It's wise to align the closing date with the development and approval of a sound strategy. Given the complexity and scale of a deal with IBM, a conservative estimate might range from 6-12 months after presenting the strategy to your management and then to IBM. We'll mark this as "TBD post-strategy approval."

Probability: This might also be currently unknown, which is fine at this stage. As we develop your strategy and understand more about IBM's needs and your solution's fit, you can better estimate this.

Moving Forward

With the background set as much as possible, let's move to the next section: Purpose.


This is about understanding and articulating how Munch's service aligns with IBM's broader goals or needs, beyond mere features or cost savings. Consider these questions:

What overarching mission or unique value does Munch's food service offer that aligns with IBM’s corporate values or objectives?

How does your service stand out in terms of quality, sustainability, employee wellbeing, or any other aspect that IBM might value?

Your responses will help in shaping a compelling narrative for IBM that goes beyond the basics of a food service offering.


IBM is a well-recognized and respected worldwide organization. We believe the idea of avoiding food waste, gaining PR, and making money should be appealing to them. But what is the best approach? Further, Munch has demonstrated success in working with retailers big and small and recently closed Spar.


Your insights provide a good starting point for the Purpose section of the Strategic Sales Plan. Let's refine these ideas:


Aligning with IBM’s Corporate Values: IBM, being a globally respected organization, likely values sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Your emphasis on avoiding food waste aligns well with these values. Furthermore, the potential for positive PR and financial benefits from such initiatives would be attractive to them.

• Approach Suggestion: Craft your message to highlight how Munch's service contributes to environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility. Emphasize the dual benefit of reducing food waste (a global concern) and enhancing IBM's public image as a responsible, eco-friendly organization.

Demonstrated Success: Your success with retailers, especially the recent closure with Spar, is a strong selling point. It shows that Munch is capable of handling large-scale operations and can adapt to different business needs.

• Approach Suggestion: Leverage your experience with Spar and other retailers as case studies. Detail how you’ve helped these companies achieve their goals, focusing on measurable outcomes like reduced waste, cost savings, or improved operational efficiency.

Now, let's move on to the next section, The Buyers, to identify and understand the key decision-makers and influencers at IBM. This will help tailor your strategy to address their specific concerns and interests.

The Buyers

Economic Buyer: Who at IBM has the final authority to approve the budget for this initiative?

User Buyers: Who will directly use or supervise the use of Munch’s services within IBM?

Technical Buyers: Are there any individuals at IBM who will assess the technical aspects or specifications of your service?

Coaches: Do you have any contacts within IBM who can offer insights or guidance to help you navigate this sale?

Understanding the roles and influences of these individuals will be crucial in shaping your communication and engagement strategy. Please provide any information you have on these buying influences.


Unfortunately, we don't know anybody there as of yet. What recommends does this GPT have?


Navigating a sale with IBM without existing contacts presents a unique challenge but also an opportunity to strategically build new relationships. Here's a recommended approach:

Building Relationships at IBM

Research and Identify Key Contacts:

• Economic Buyer: Look for executives or department heads in areas most relevant to your service, like facilities management or corporate social responsibility.

• User Buyers: Identify managers or supervisors of cafeteria services or employee wellness programs.

• Technical Buyers: Seek professionals in procurement, supply chain management, or sustainability initiatives.

• Coaches: Potential coaches could be mid-level employees who have insights into company culture and decision-making processes.


• Attend industry events, webinars, and conferences where IBM representatives might be present.

• Utilize LinkedIn to connect with IBM employees. Engage with their content to start building a rapport.

• Consider joining professional groups or forums where IBM employees are active.

Leverage Existing Relationships:

• Utilize your network to find connections who might know someone at IBM.

• Reach out to your contacts at Spar or other retailers for referrals, especially if they have any business dealings with IBM.

Initial Outreach:

• Craft a compelling introduction email or LinkedIn message. Focus on the mutual benefits and align your message with IBM’s known values and goals.

• Be clear about why you're reaching out and the unique value Munch can offer to IBM.

Content Marketing:

• Share case studies, whitepapers, or blog posts that showcase Munch's impact on sustainability and efficiency. This can attract attention and establish credibility.

Follow-Up Strategically:

• After initial contact, follow up with additional information tailored to their interests or needs.

• Be persistent but respectful. It often takes multiple touches to get a response.

Next Steps

Since you don't have direct contacts at IBM, the next phase in the Strategic Sales Plan will involve a more proactive outreach and networking strategy. Once you've established these connections, we can revisit the "Buyers" section to tailor your approach to their specific roles and interests.

Would you like to proceed with planning the outreach strategy, or is there another aspect of the sales plan you'd like to focus on next?


Yes, let's proceed.


Great, let's develop an outreach strategy to establish connections at IBM. This strategy will be integral in advancing your sales objectives with them.

Outreach Strategy for IBM

Initial Contact:

• Targeted Outreach: Develop a list of potential contacts at IBM across different roles (economic buyers, user buyers, technical buyers, coaches). Use LinkedIn, IBM's corporate website, and industry directories to identify these individuals.

• Personalized Communication: Craft personalized emails or LinkedIn messages. Highlight Munch's alignment with IBM’s sustainability goals and the success you've had with other clients like Spar. Mention your desire to explore how Munch can add value to IBM.

Content Strategy:

• Showcase Success Stories: Share case studies or success stories of Munch's impact, especially in areas like waste reduction, cost savings, and PR benefits.

• Thought Leadership: Publish articles or blog posts on topics relevant to IBM, such as corporate responsibility in food services, trends in sustainable cafeteria management, or innovations in food resale.


• Industry Events: Identify and attend industry events, conferences, or webinars where IBM representatives are likely to be present. Prepare an elevator pitch about Munch that is concise and compelling.

• Professional Groups: Join relevant LinkedIn groups or professional forums where IBM employees might be active. Participate in discussions to raise your profile and visibility.

Referral Strategy:

• Leverage Existing Networks: Reach out to your existing contacts, especially from Spar, to see if they have connections at IBM or can introduce you to someone who does.

• Ask for Introductions: Don't hesitate to ask your network for direct introductions. A warm lead can be more effective than a cold outreach.

Follow-Up Plan:

• Regular Follow-Ups: After initial contact, schedule follow-ups to keep the conversation going. Tailor your messages based on any response or interest shown.

• Provide Value: In each interaction, aim to provide value – this could be insights from your industry, updates about Munch, or relevant case studies.

Metrics and Adaptation:

• Track Progress: Keep track of who you’ve contacted, their responses, and follow-up actions. Use a CRM system if available.

• Adapt Strategies: Based on the responses and feedback, be ready to adapt your outreach approach. This could mean changing your message, trying different communication channels, or targeting different roles within IBM.

Next Steps

Implementing this outreach strategy is likely to be a multi-step, ongoing process. As you start making connections and having conversations, we'll gain more insights into IBM's specific needs and decision-making processes, which will further refine your sales approach.

Do you have any specific aspects of this strategy you'd like to discuss further, or other elements of the sales plan you want to address next?


Thanks. Can you provide me a report summary of what we have thus far?


Certainly, here's a summary of the Strategic Sales Plan we've developed so far for Munch's potential enterprise-level sale to IBM:

Strategic Sales Plan Summary: IBM-Munch Food Alliance


• Prospect Name: IBM (IBM's Company Website)

• Sales Opportunity Name: IBM-Munch Food Alliance

• Estimated Sale Value: TBD, pending assessment of IBM's cafeteria needs

• Estimated Close Date: TBD, post-strategy approval (estimated 6-12 months after initial presentation)

• Probability of Sale: TBD, to be estimated after initial outreach and engagement


• Mission and Value Alignment: Highlighting Munch's commitment to reducing food waste and aligning this with IBM's corporate responsibility goals.

• Unique Selling Propositions: Emphasizing the dual benefits of environmental sustainability and potential positive PR for IBM, leveraging Munch's proven track record with retailers like Spar.

The Buyers

• Identification Phase: Research and identify key contacts at IBM across various roles (economic buyers, user buyers, technical buyers, coaches) for targeted outreach.

Outreach Strategy

Initial Contact: Targeted outreach to key IBM personnel through LinkedIn and personalized emails, emphasizing alignment with IBM's values.

Content Strategy: Sharing success stories and thought leadership articles relevant to IBM’s interests in sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Networking: Active participation in industry events and professional groups to connect with IBM representatives.

Referral Strategy: Utilizing existing networks for introductions to IBM contacts.

Follow-Up Plan: Regular, value-added follow-ups tailored based on responses.

Metrics and Adaptation: Tracking outreach progress and adapting strategies as needed.

Next Steps

• Begin implementing the outreach strategy.

• Continuously refine the approach based on the feedback and information gathered during the outreach phase.

• Once initial contacts are established, revisit the "Buyers" section to tailor the strategy further.

This plan serves as a foundational strategy for engaging with IBM. It's dynamic and should evolve as you gather more information and insights through your outreach efforts. If you have any specific areas you want to explore further or adjust, please let me know.

Fred Eberlein

After earning an undergraduate degree in Political Science in 1975, JB Fred Eberlein went to Washington in search of a master's and a future in foreign service. But instead of entering the government, he became a beltway bandit – a salesman of computer services and software to Washington’s extensive bureaucracy.

In 1991, his journey went global when he moved to Germany with Oracle Corporation. There he worked with the U.S. Army Europe as it right-sized in the wake of the USSR’s collapse. Later, the author moved to Vienna, Austria, where he led sales for Oracle in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, before joining Sweden’s Scala Business Solutions and moving to Budapest.

An entrepreneur and self-described nobody, the author's firsthand experience with the corruption that has fueled the U.S. Federal Government's decline makes this book – his first – essential reading for anyone who wants to break from the noise of politics and return to the business of America.